Study Module - Ajax Study Detail


Gender: Female

Smoking habit: Smoker or non-smoker

Pot smoking

Age: 40 - 65 years old


BMI : 18.00 - 38.00

Food restrictions : Fast

Clinic stay

  • 28 Jan (13:00) to 2 Feb (11:00)
  • 15 Feb (13:00) to 20 Feb (11:00)
  • 4 Mar (13:00) to 9 Mar (11:00)
  • 22 Mar (13:00) to 27 Mar (11:00)

Return visits

  • 11 Apr (08:00)

Participants must be available to stay at our clinic for all of the dates listed above and/or in the notes below. All clinic stays and return visits are mandatory. Times are subject to change.

Medication type

This drug is for the treatment of moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes and night sweats) associated with menopause.


We are seeking female participants, please call for more details.
We are looking for participants with a valid driver’s license and who drive on a regular basis. Many groups are available with different dates. If you are available for different groups, let us know when you sign up. More details will be given to you over the phone.
The displayed amount of $11,300 includes: - $10,600 for completing the study - $500 for the PCR test - $200 for the screening visit.
10 hours fasting before medical exam.
You will receive $200 after completing the medical exam.
Blood volume: Female 500ml (four (4) blood draws per period).
One return visit to the clinic will occur within 2 weeks after the last dose, date to be confirmed.
Your medical history and/or medication intake history may affect your participation on this study.
Please note that we are testing for drugs and alcohol during the medical evaluation.

This is preliminary information and changes could occur without notice