Available studies
Latest updates
N81 (F1b2)
Male and Female 2 200 $- 31 Mar to 4 Apr
I54 (3b)
Male and Female 3 150 $- 17 to 20 Mar
N18 (A2a)
Male and Female 1 900 $- 23 to 27 Mar
M26 (B9b)
Male and Female 8 000 $- 23 to 27 Mar
- 18 to 23 Apr
N18 (A2b)
Male and Female 1 900 $- 24 to 28 Mar
N73 (G1C)
Male and Female 6 400 $- 25 Mar to 8 Apr
N77 (A1a)
Male and Female 1 850 $- 24 to 28 Mar
N77 (A1b)
Male and Female 1 850 $- 25 to 29 Mar
A81 (A1a)
Male and Female 8 900 $- 26 to 29 Mar
R85 (A4)
Male and Female 5 900 $- 27 Mar to 4 Apr
N81 (B4B)
Male and Female 5 750 $- 29 Mar to 11 Apr
A81 (A1b)
Male and Female 8 900 $- 31 Mar to 3 Apr
N81 (B4C)
Male and Female 5 750 $- 1 to 14 Apr
B97 (B3)
Male and Female 9 900 $- 8 to 27 Apr
A24 (A3)
Male and Female 7 400 $- 8 to 10 Apr
- 14 to 17 Apr
L03 (A1a)
Male and Female 2 100 $- 8 to 10 Apr
- 15 to 17 Apr
N73 (G1D)
Male and Female 6 400 $- 9 to 23 Apr
Male and Female 6 575 $- 14 to 24 Apr
P84 (6A)
Male and Female 11 400 $- 28 Apr to 9 May
P84 (6B)
Male and Female 11 400 $- 1 to 12 May
Studies for special population
Altasciences also conducts studies with people who have certain conditions.
If your profile corresponds to our study needs, please apply to help medical research.
For people suffering from:
- Type l or ll Diabetes
- Asthma
- Hepatitis A, B or C
- Hepatic impairment
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Low testosterone
For women with one of the following characteristics:
- Clinically diagnosed infertile or have had a tubal ligation
- Postmenopausal
- Using natural contraceptives, such as: non-hormonal intrauterine device or condom with spermicide
If you have completed a study with us, invite your friends to join us and receive up to $250 or more* per referral thanks to our referral program.
Step 1: Get your friends to call and mention your first name, last name and date of birth while opening their file.
Step 2: Your friend must show up for their screening visit for the referral to be valid.
Step 3: You will receive a referral compensation after your referred friend attends their screening visit.
Step 4: If applicable, you will receive an additional referral compensation if your referred friend is enrolled on the study.
$ 100 for each person referred
$ 250 for each patient or special population
Such as: type I or II diabetes, asthma, hepatitis A, B or C, hepatic impairment, rheumatoid arthritis, low testosterone, elderly participants or postmenopausal women.
Contact us
Monday to Friday 8 a.m to 8 p.m
Saturday 9 a.m to 5 p.m
Sunday 10 a.m to 5 p.m
Toll free 1 888 758-6312
Phone (514) 381-2546
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